About me

Artist and Engineer

My story

Hello! My name is Maddie and I have been painting and drawing for as long as I can remember. As a kid, I was always creating works of art whether it be in camps and classes or sketchbooks in my free time. My passion for art really kicked off when I was in middle school, where I started a 5 year journey of art classes that continued through high school. Throughout these years, my wonderful art teacher helped to teach me technical art skills and gave me a space to practice and improve my creative outlet. My senior year of high school I enrolled in Advanced Placement Drawing, a class where students are tasked with creating 24 pieces during the school year and submitting them to a national board of judges. The rigorous pace of this course allowed me to rapidly experiment with new mediums and ideas, allowing me to grow into the artist I am today.
Upon entering college, I chose to expand my talents in science and mathematics rather than my creative passions. I decided to pursue my studies in civil engineering and keep drawing and painting as a hobby. Painting and drawing are my outlets. Engineering school requires lots of hard work and determination but creating works of art has always been my relaxation. I am at my happiest when I am able to share the work that I have created with others. Neil Gaiman once said, " the world always seems brighter when you've just made something that wasn't there before." Creating works of art make my world brighter and I hope that they make yours brighter too.